Rest In Peace, website with Adobe Flash

Last Updated on: 26th December 2020, 11:04 am

Back in 2016, Google began disabling Flash support in its Chrome browser, replacing it with HTML5. Immediately after Google, Microsoft announced its rejection of Flash to stop potential vulnerability from spreading.

Adobe has made several attempts to close “Holes” in its product. So in February 2014, they took measures to eliminate the vulnerability of access to users’ personal data. The update was released for Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms, which helped fix a critical vulnerability.

end of adobe flash website

But in April 2016, hackers used an update from Adobe to spread a virus that blocked users’ computers and extorted money to unblock them.

Finally, Adobe announced that it would ask all users to remove Flash Player from their computers by the end of 2020. As a result, Adobe Flash will cease to exist on December 31, 2020.

Adobe will also remove all Flash download links – this step will help keep users from installing and using an unsupported version of the application.

Important information for Flash website owners: Adobe has announced that Flash-based content will be blocked from running in Flash Player after the EOL date.

What should you do if your website is still using Flash?

So what is left for the owners, whose sites will be dropped without the support and stop working? Fastredisign has the right solution. We will migrate your site to preserve all content and corporate identity to a modern Content Management System and secure hosting.

Since the company is also engaged in small projects, the price of site transfer will also be low while maintaining the quality of work, as for a large company! Contact us today.

FastRedesign is a 100% Remote team and our services are unaffected by COVID-19